Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sleepless nite..@.@

Aikz...its 5.12am right now, uh huh...why i'm up so early???lol...well, i dun even get to sleep yet and im so energetic right now...uhmm....wad to do???had finish browsing facebook and got nothing else to do~~~Help me....what i can do to make me fall asleep????gggrrrr...i wanna sleep!!!

In another 5 hours, me, BH, yan, jia yi, and LJ are hanging out. we planned to go Botanical Garden and Cadbury factory. Now its spring, and botanical gardens are full of flowers, grasses, trees, butterflies, and bees...huh?!?!?! i dun wanna see bees!!! Hopefully there has no bees la...^^ gonna take lots photo in the botanical garden, and buy lots of chocolate from cadbury!!!well, the chocos are 'souvenirs' for friends and relatives!!! I knw i will eat'em...but...kenot lar...kenot eat too much...i have less time d...i need to on diet and put off some weight d!!!! uhmm...besides botanical garden n cadbury factory, we are goin for a 2 days 1 night trip to Bicheno and Wine Glass bay...I can see penguins in the Bicheno...>.< Penguin penguin.....im coming~~wine glass bay got nice scenes and ...i dunno d...hehe..yet to be discovered. I'll share more after i hv been there...k??hehehhee...

My sis wedding coming soon, its on december...but why i'm still so fat?!!?!?i shud cut of my weight now!!!!!LOLXxx...'kan fei'..'kan fei'...'kaannnn feeeeiiiiiiii'!!!!! Im trying to control my diet now, at least i will not eat like a gorilla as i used to for the pass 2 months..lol...really fat like hell....@@.. Cant eat too much after going back to penang...and must do more exercise!!!! twice a day, morning and evening jog!!Who wants to join me???hehehe...i would be happy to hv someone accompanied...hehe...i wonder if i could follow wad i've planned...but pls..i need some support!!! so pls scold me 'si tua pui'...or 'tua pui po'....or 'fatty' when u c me!!! uh huh....ON DIET ON DIET ON DIET!!!!!! Feel so annoyed being so fat..haihz...really wanna kan fei d!!!

Uhmm....goin back home soon...kinda anticipating for it...i miss my car, my bed, my papa n mama...uhmmm....wad i gonna do after back home????
  1. dinner with gong gong( 1st priority)
  2. visits relatives like mami, sis yong, mai tu, and etc etc...
  3. Hangout with friends like mun, peng, fion, n joo..???Y joo???go shopping la...oi Joo...hear me???hehehe
  4. Gonna be my gong gong's driver...spend more time with him...missing him..T.T
  5. shopping. shop for dresses for my sis wedding..but guess would be in dec, as i need to 'KAN FEI' 1st!!!
  6. what's next???daily routine lo...eat,play sleep..???uhuh...no way!! gotta get smtg to do!!! do wad leh????err.....'kan fei!!!!! hehehhee..yayaya....my target!!! on diet!!!

Aikz.....think of wad had happened in the last month really feel so speechless...wonder how could things become like this...everyhthing was fine but end up like tat...over time, i nv feel any lost towards it..just feel like hitting 2 person!!! CB kia!!! Sarcastic person sarcastic faces.....F u idiots...see how does the god will treat u...u will get ur karma soon!!! SOOON.....muahahahhaa.... here, i wanna tell a girl, A....pls wake up la...u r so noob man....n hey, pls dun try to act like an adult as u r not n u r still childish!! how u accept a relationship with a guy when ur heart still thinking of another guy??? n i feel so funny in reading ur blog...u think u are living in those taiwanese drama ah???unrealistic...haihz...say so much also liao lat....

haihz...now its goin to 6 in da morning.....why m i still here....haihz...im a bit tired now..but cant sleep yet...if i go to bed now i would probably get up in another 5 min...haihz....sleep god ah...y u dun let me sleep???aikz.....


  1. hahahaxz~ YES! I hear you~!! Let's go! xD
    but before that when u want go sing k with me? hahahaxz.. bec I also wanna keep fit 1st..@@

    btw I like your description:"eat like a gorilla." hahahaxz..xD
    wei..don't waste ur energy d la.. let's just believe in karma..=)
    bec even if they didn't end up bad, they won't feel happy with ghost in their heart. At least now we know who is our true friend,isn't it?^^ cheer up ya buddy!:)

  2. LOL..just saw ur comment...well, ya, i do believe in karma too....see how they gonna face it when the karma comes...LOL...
    Im waiting for redbox too...im now not so busy d..but not sure when r u coming back from ur kl trip. gv mea call when u r back yea...hehehe
