Monday, May 3, 2010

a short break is 5minutes to 5am now...and i am still working hard on my assignment?? not really la, keep dragging and only managed to finish 1 question after so many hours.

Now i am sneaking some time to release some stress!! WTF, one of my college mates posted something in FB and i dropped a comment/suggestion to her, but that fcuking bitch ignored me with 'haahaa..' did nothing to deserve that reply!! she never know how to respect ppl at all, no wonder so many ppl dislike her. she is so mean!! i prefer she ignore me without any reply. i feel shame of myself to comment on some1 like this who has such a bad behaviour!! She is the type will talk to you when she needs you help, and will ignore you when she doesnt need you anymore!! I wish her will have no friends at all very soon!! it is sickening to see some1 like this. *puke*