Sunday, April 18, 2010

lucky day, or a bad day????hmmmpp

I dunno i shall call today a 'lucky day'?? or a 'bad day'...

Lucky thing is that the test question for P&P is quite easy today, and i was still fresh even i just slept for 2 hours today.

the unlucky thing is that i bumped into the GAY couple TWICE within 10 minutes. actually nothing big deal saw them around,isn't it?? but i never expect B could tell others he was so sad for losing so many friends last year, and feel so unease even bump into each other. F U lar....B is the one RUINED our friendship...keep his shit mouth and stick it on A's asshole la...both the F'king GAY couple. I believe u will have ur KARMA SOON, B(itch)!!

Freaking tired now...1 test down, 1 more to go on wednesday...hope to get some rest for today before i start to fight for the Services marketing test. I'm glad that i have done my assignment which will due on wednesday, else i got no time to rest at all...>.<

Oh ya, i met some1 who is really KIASU today. i was trying to be friendly and ask him whether he has prepared for test Q. then, that KIASU ppl replied :" NO ANSWER"...FCUK~ such a KIASU ppl...look down upon u!!BoOoOoOooooooo~~~~~~~~~~

Why Tassie got so many holes??? ASSHOLE!!!!!

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